10 Reasons To List With Me

1Client First

We believe that our Client’s needs always come first. We treat our clients as our friends, and always put ourselves in their shoes to understand each of their needs. 

2Joyful Experience

Selling or purchasing your new home can be both stressful or joyful. We strive to make each transaction a joyful one for all our clients.

3Bespoked Home Tours

If a picture speaks a thousand words, then a video must be at least a million words. We use home tours to capture to attention of our viewers and to bring out the best points of your house.

4Home Staging

First impression counts. Despite that many agents still tend to not prioritise home staging or decluttering of homes. We help buyers envision themselves living in their future beautiful home.

5Professional Photography

A picture speaks a thousand words. What more a beautifully taken photo of your abode, to capture the hearts of many potential suitors.


6360 Virtual Tour

Post Covid has brought a lot of changes to the way people work, and what more, the way people view houses. As such, 360 Virtual Tours are often a good tool for opening up more opportunities for more buyers to view your place.

7Online Presence

Living in this digital age, having an online presence is more important than you can imagine. Instead of pull marketing like the past, social media platforms tend to act as push marketing. Pushing your properties to potential buyers who would have otherwise not searched for your house.

8Brand Media

Our production and marketing team coming together to bring different information to potential buyers/sellers

9Experienced Team

You don’t just engage us, you engage our entire team of 700+ strong agents under a larger umbrella of 12,000 agents. Chances of finding a buyer through our fellow agents even before hitting mainstream media is extremely high.


Having over 10+yrs of experience and having transacted developments from HDBs to Bungalows worth in excess of $10m, we are confident no property is too tough to sell. We strive to do our best for each of your clients.